Business coach

A business coach does not give advice on exactly how a client should act in a given situation. The uniqueness of this profession lies in the ability to listen and ask questions in order to bring a person in the course of a conversation (coach session) to an awareness of life situations and his own contribution to everything that happens to him. … Globally, coaching is divided into 2 areas: Business-coaching. This, as a rule, is work with the first persons of the company, with top managers and owners.

Business coaches reviews

Business coaches: choose the best professionals based on prices, ratings and real reviews.

Reviews from individuals, business people, corporate executives on their personal coaching experiences, skills acquired and life changes. Corporate clients reviews. Business executives share their impressions of professional coaching programs.

It turns out that working on yourself, your shortcomings, can be exciting and interesting, and most importantly, not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. That charge of positive emotions, bright energy and motivation that I received after each class instilled in me faith in myself, my actions, and now it seems to me that if you just want and aim correctly, you can move mountains. Sessions with Alexandra helped me realize what I really want and helped me take the first steps towards my desires. And I know that everything will work out. Thanks a lot!

In coaching, for the first time, I realized, I realized that my every action has a consequence. And the formula is really simple – by changing the action, you change the result.

I did 12 individual sessions last year. Changes were not long in coming. Doubts increasingly faded into the background, and a sense of confidence became a familiar state. I made the decision to take coaching training. Four modules were held in an amazing atmosphere of goodwill and creativity. We got acquainted with amazing tools that everyone needs to know. A time that I will remember for a long time with warmth and gratitude.

If we talk about business coaching, then this topic should begin with a definition of who a coach is in general, on what legal and ethical grounds he conducts his activities, what functionality he performs, including what requests can be addressed to him and what results, which can be expected from working with him.

As we all see, two years of the pandemic has significantly accelerated changes in the online and offline environment, as well as in the economic turnover. Companies are already forced to quickly rebuild both within the framework of a rigid management system, and in relations within the team and with business partners. Changes do not leave indifferent neither management nor business owners, because it is the volume of business thinking that affects, that is, the volume of increasing changes and the speed of mastering these changes.

The trend in 2022 is that in the past, many of us saw ourselves as victims of the ongoing changes to some extent and tried to adapt to these rapid changes in the face of uncertainty. Today, most entrepreneurs are embracing the new wave and focusing on what tools can be used to most effectively achieve, adapt to, and process change in the best environmentally friendly and resource-efficient way. The key criterion in this case is the question of human resources, how effectively we can use our internal and then external resources per unit of time.

And in this process, it is the business coach who can create a productive space of trust and security, support the client in a result-oriented approach, and use questions and special techniques to direct the client’s attention to identifying the best strategies and implementation tools. changes, both internal and external. But in this process, as you know, the responsibility for the result lies with the client, and the coach does not contribute anything of his own.

Differences between a coach and a business psychologist, tracker and consultant

After we have decided for ourselves who a coach is, we can clearly distinguish how a coach differs from psychologists, business consultants and business trackers.

Psychologists work with the personal baggage of the business owner / or his subordinates, with their past, including limiting beliefs and attitudes that may interfere with the realization of their goals. I would like to note that the activities of business psychologists are very important, because the past often slows down and imposes a framework on the vision of the future and ways to achieve goals.

The business consultant examines the client’s business system and provides expert advice on how best to achieve the intended business goals or guides the process.

The business tracker accompanies the client at the MVP stage, when hypotheses are tested when launching new projects or subprojects, changes are made, and it orients the client not to deviate from the intended trajectory. The business tracker often turns to the mechanisms of psychology, consulting and coaching.

Legal and ethical responsibility of the coach

The coach according to ICF standards creates a safe, trusting environment for the client and, thanks to asking questions, helps him formulate a specific request (the coach always works with the request), a system for measuring the result (how the client will understand that he has achieved his result in a long-term contract and in short-term sessions with coach) and accompanies the process of researching this request, keeping the client in uncertainty.

An important point for a business coach is the presence of business practice and an understanding of business development cycles. The coach orients the client on the achieved result and how changes can affect his life, work and other aspects of his activity. The coach supports the client on a specific request and does not convey his vision to him, but has the right to share his observations in order to create a difference, so that the client receives insight about his request, naturally, without feeling complacent and imposing. The ICF Coach, acting within the framework of the Code of Ethics, can also create issues that cause change for the client.

According to ICF standards, the coach is required to explain to the client that the client is responsible for the result of working with the coach, and the coach takes responsibility for creating advertising space and asking questions that will allow the client to go beyond the current scale of thinking. The coach is responsible for creating an effective research process.

What are the requirements for a business coach?

If we consider the volume of requests received by a business coach, then we can distinguish work with the first persons of the company (top management), business owners, as well as team coaching and coaching of individual team members.
Working with business owners requires the coach to have expert competencies that allow them to consider the scale of the business architecture and business strategy as broadly as possible and support the client in these parts. Here the main feature is that the coach does not limit the client with his experience and vision. To do this, a business coach must correctly assess the scope of their expert competencies and business experience and, based on this, formulate an offer for clients.

How to evaluate the results of working with a coach

The results of working with a coach are always variable, as the needs of clients are very different. The key point in joint work should be that in the life of the client, including in his personality, not point, but systemic changes will begin to occur. When a client has a desired image for himself and the amount of change in attitudes, then all decisions will be made by him based on his value apparatus and a vision of why it is more important for him to make certain changes in life and business. become clearer. In general, coaching allows you to fully cover the entire life and work of the client, and not just solve some point problems.

Summing up, I would like to note that the values ​​of the coach and his skills really allow the client to use life resources as efficiently and environmentally friendly as possible. The client can stretch the changes and the processes of their implementation for years, or in coaching he can focus on what is the maximum possible for him in a unit of time, and accordingly go through the necessary steps in the best possible way and discover new perspectives and horizons. Working with a coach is a great way to discover yourself.

How is life coaching different from business coaching?

Coaching is an activity that is aimed at achieving goals in business and life. A specialist who helps to achieve success in a certain area is called a coach. He does not teach, but shows the possibilities and helps to decide on an action plan in order to get from a given point to the final one and get a specific result. Do not confuse  a coach with a psychologist or psychotherapist who find out the causes of a person’s problems, understand his past in order to change life for the better in the present. The coach is focused on the present and future. It reveals the potential of the individual so that a person can solve his problems on his own and realize his goals.

What is life coach for a person?

Life coaching is aimed at improving the quality, meaningfulness and harmonization of life. It helps to formulate global and short-term goals and desires, to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of life areas. This specialist contributes to positive changes in important areas of human life:

  • Family. If there are misunderstandings with the husband/wife, conflicts with children and parents, the coach is able to show ways to build respectful and happy family relationships.
  • Money. It helps to change the attitude towards personal finance, find opportunities for increasing income and new sources of money. After communication and training with him, you will learn how to achieve financial goals.
  • Work and career. Many people spend years in a job they hate, do not move up the career ladder, work in a toxic team, endure a humiliating attitude from management. A life coach can indicate career development prospects, push them to change employers or even professional activities. With his support, you can learn how to interact with different people in the work environment and defend personal boundaries.
  • Relationships with people. To live comfortably and happily in society, it is important to learn how to properly contact and communicate with colleagues, friends and other people around. This specialist will help you understand how to communicate, build productive and friendly relationships with people of different characters.
  • Health. Life coach cannot diagnose and cure diseases, because he is not a doctor. But conversations and classes with him will help you tune in to a healthy lifestyle, identify stress factors and minimize their impact or completely eliminate them.

This specialist does not distribute recommendations and does not give ready-made instructions for improving life. It guides a person and reveals his inner resources so that the client can achieve positive results in certain areas.

What does a business coach do and what is it useful for?

In order to increase the efficiency of work processes in the company and improve the corporate culture, they conduct business coaching with managers and staff. It is organized with a group of employees or individually, for example, with a boss. Ideally, a business coach should have experience in business and know how it works from the inside. He is attracted to:

  • To form long-term and short-term business goals and plan a strategy to achieve them. Leaders and managers get a clear idea and detail about the directions and ways of growth and development of the company.
  • Increase employee productivity. A business coach discusses with managers and staff issues of material and non-material motivation of employees, their professional value for the company and career development.
  • Improve the atmosphere in the team. This is a joint work of the coach, managers and subordinates, aimed at building trusting working relationships, reducing tension and conflicts, and adapting new employees to the team.

Thus, a business coach is needed to specify the goals and vector of the company’s development, improve work processes and the microclimate in the organization by revealing the potential capabilities of managers and employees. Life coach helps to understand and achieve results in key areas of life person: financial, family, professional, social.