Life coaches

Life coaches are taught to speak to clients in the “universal language of humanity” – the language of images and associations. Tom Buzen, who by the way recently came to Moscow, a well-known British neuropsychologist, the owner of the highest IQ in the world, a nominee for the Nobel Prize for creating intellectual maps and mental literacy, proves in his works that all people on our planet speak exactly the language of images and associations, because that’s how our brain works. Any professional coach can easily use this language in his work, asking various questions on imaginative thinking and associations. This language is used with such tools as, “Three Chairs”, “Mentors Table”, “Stakeholders”, etc. This language is necessary in order to develop and demonstrate in their sessions such ICF coach competencies as “Strong Questions”, “Coaching Presence”, “Progress Management”, etc.

Do I need a life coach?

Coaching is the art of promoting the development of another person. The Life Coach uses the magic power of commitment to enable his clients to achieve profitable and measurable results in all areas of their lives. With a coach, it turns out to achieve your goals faster, more comfortable, more interesting and much more effective

Life Coaches are taught to speak the language of metaphors. All mankind knows how to speak this language, because “we all come from childhood.” And who in childhood did not like fairy tales, stories, legends, interesting stories. The language of metaphors is a magical phenomenon, using which the coach opens up new horizons of vision for his client. By associating his task with some kind of metaphor, the client receives deep discoveries and insights that he has not seen or thought about before. After all, through the use of the language of metaphors, the client’s subconscious mind is connected to the solution of the coaching task.

Life coaches are able to speak the language of numbers, deadlines and dates. By communicating in this language, the coach helps to bring clarity and certainty to the goal that the client sets for himself. These are important components of the coaching process that lead the client to progress in his request. How will you measure your result? When do you want to implement this project? What level of income will be optimal for you? How much time do you give yourself to solve this problem, etc. All these questions are in the piggy bank of a professional coach.

Life coaches are able to masterfully speak the language of sensations and feelings. Modern reality brings down a huge flow of different information on a person, makes excessive demands on people, often prioritizing the achievement of only social success. All this leads to the fact that a person begins to live “like a squirrel in a wheel”, where one “groundhog day” is quickly replaced by another of the same. A person ceases to think about his feelings and sensations, lives like a robot, only with “thoughts and head”. And what is his amazement when, in the process of coaching interaction, the coach begins to speak to him in the language of sensations, in which the client can also speak, although he did not know it. Such communication gives the client a huge potential and allows him to get the very ease that he so lacked in pursuit of ambitious tasks in our turbulent and unstable life.

Life coaches are taught to speak the language of action. Once I heard such a term as “vanilla coaching”, this sarcastic name has little to do with professional coaching. Because every coach at the end of the session, no matter how vanilla it is (about dreams, about the future, about boundless happiness, no problems, etc.), will definitely return to reality and talk to his client in the language of actions. What will you do with it after the session? What will be your next step? You said that you will think, and what will be the result of your thinking?

The most famous life coaches in the world

  1. Brendon Burchard
  2. Tony Robbins
  3. Jim Quick
  4. Todd Hermann
  5. Brian Tracy