10 tips for a business coach

10 tips for a business coach

Tips from the most expensive business coach. Invigorates better than coffee!

Business coaching – how to approach? Where to start? How to avoid mistakes that can cost you dearly? Read 10 tips for a novice business coach.

  1. Be sure to formulate a contract for each session. If there is no contract, then the session literally falls apart, and at the end you and the client will not be able to assess whether he or she spent those half an hour or an hour in vain. How will you understand if you have achieved the goal if there was no goal or it was too abstract?
  2. Try to be as specific as possible about how the client will understand that he has achieved the result. What will he feel then? What will change in it? What will appear? What will tell him inside?
  3. Immerse the client into the future if it is difficult for him to formulate what result he would like to receive and how he will understand that he has achieved this result. As if he had already realized that he had achieved the goal, then how is it for him then? What does/see there? The “as if” and “magic button” questions come to the rescue.
  4. Do not scare the client right from the door with the question of what result he would like to receive at the end of the session. Few of the clients prepare for the session and can immediately voice the desired result, so this question causes fear and confusion. Better ask, what would the client want to talk about? What are the problems that are bothering him now? What does he think is important to discuss? And then proceed to the formulation of the result.
  5. Check the request for environmental friendliness and connection with other areas of the client’s life, even if you think you already know the answers. Sometimes unexpected insights arise already at this stage.
  6. Use scales, especially in the early stages, wherever you can. The scale allows the client himself to more accurately assess the situation and create experience even at the stage of formulating the final result.
  7. Feel free to ask the question “why” and “why is this important” until you rise to the high logical levels of the Dilts pyramid. If the client answers the question “why” “in order to do …”, then you can ask “why do you need to do this?”, “What will it give you?”, “How will it change you?”, “What new opportunities will it open up for you?” you?”.
  8. Wherever possible, use the pyramid of logical levels – and at the stage of formulating the final result, and at the stage of creating an experience, and at the stage of gratitude. Work more time on the upper logical levels, and go down to the lower ones only after examining the level of identity, the client’s values, his motivation, meanings.
  9. Add more visualization by shaping the experience and asking the client to imagine themselves in a given situation: this helps to form new neural connections and literally transform at a physiological level.
  10. Create an atmosphere of safety and dreaming – this helps to overcome fears and deceive our anxious and conservative “emotional” brain. The rapport, the wizard’s tone, the open gestures, the pauses, the “verbal fluff” all help a lot.